Our second day in Israel commenced with Shachsris and a delicious and varied Israeli-style breakfast at Kiryat Moriah. 

Afterward, we headed to the World Mizrachi headquarters to listen to Rav Doron Perez, the Executive Chairman of Mizrachi.

Rav Perez's son, Daniel, went missing in action on October 7th, and his fate remains uncertain. His other son, Yonatan, was wounded in battle. Rav Doron spoke about the remarkable unity demonstrated by the Jewish people following October 7th, emphasizing that our enemies consistently underestimate the consequences of attacking us, which ultimately leads to their downfall.
During the session, one of our students, Benaya Aryeh, inquired how Rav Perez copes with the uncertainty surrounding his son's status. Rav Perez, with deep emotion, expressed that it's especially challenging for his wife, who constantly worries about their son's well-being. Rav Doron emphasized the importance of maintaining a positive outlook and urged us to take pride in our Jewish identity. With tears in his eyes, he implored us to engage with local representatives, urging them to work towards bringing our hostages home and continuing support for Israel.

We were then privileged to visit with HaRav HaGaon Rav Asher Weiss at his home in Ramot. HaRav Asher Weiss is a unique gadol and posek whose halachic rulings are revered across all Jewish communities.

Rav Asher serves as the posek for Tzahal, addressing intriguing questions that have come across his desk, some of which are unprecedented.

Here are two scenarios Rav Asher shared with us:

A soldier had three days off during his service and, during this break, got married! This unusual circumstance led him to inquire whether he could recite the Sheva Brachot without his bride present. Rav Asher noted that in his 50 years of deciding halacha, he had never encountered such a query.

Another soldier, whose wife had given birth to a baby boy, was permitted to return home for the bris. However, there was a dilemma—the bris fell on Shabbat, and he wouldn't make it in time if he adhered to Shabbat travel restrictions. Despite Rav Asher finding a heter to allow the soldier to go home, he opted to stay behind, exemplifying dedication to Shabbat observance and setting an example for his son. He wanted his son to grow up knowing of the mesiras nefesh his father showed for shemiras shabbos. 

Rav Asher reflected on the resilience and unique dedication of the Jewish people, particularly in times of war. He said the Jewish people are "uniquely insane" to be visiting a war one just to be with our people in Israel which makes us so special. When asked what we could do for Klal Yisrael, he urged us to strive to be better Jews, better friends, and to show kindness to one another.


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