Even after visiting Sderot, נתיב העשרה, and חוזר הגלגל, the most intense and meaningful moments were yet to unfold.
Our next stop was Tekumah, where the burnt-out cars from October 7th were gathered, each bearing the remnants of lives lost on that tragic day. I remarked to the boys that while our religion celebrates life, our enemies glorify death. We chant “Am Yisroel CHAI!” while they bellow only calls for our death and destruction.
The chilling sight of hundreds of charred vehicles stacked upon one another was a frightening reminder of what happenned on Simchat Torah. I shared with the boys the sanctity our religion places on every aspect of a Jewish body, emphasizing that death doesn't negate life but rather informs the fragility of it. When we encounter death, it is used as a vehicle to inspire us to use our lives wisely and productively, inspiring us to be better. As the boys walked silently amidst the wreckage, they certainly absorbed the gravity of the moment.
Following this, we encountered perhaps the most somber and profound experience of our mission - the site of theNova Festival. Arriving in pitch darkness, with only the flicker of memorial candles illuminating the floors,images of those brutally murdered and tortured adorned this holy place. We observed two minutes of silence, reflecting on the horrors that transpired there, and sang songs of prayer to Hashem.
But the night held more in store for us! We proceeded to our final destination - an army base, where we assisted in preparing a lavish BBQ for the soldiers. It was a deeply uplifting experience. What struck us most was witnessing our boys from New York seamlessly connecting with the soldiers, chatting and bonding as if they were old friends. Despite their disparate backgrounds, there existed one unifying bond - their shared Jewish identity! We sang, danced, and shared moments of camaraderie with the soldiers, each offering the other strength, inspiration, and hope.
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